
Don’t trust computers to analyze consumers in this ferocious competitive environment

We’re BrandwidthGlobal, a team of strategists with roots in the social sciences: Cognition, Neuroscience, Anthropology, and Semitics. We’ve been retained by some of the world’s biggest brands to analyze the behavior of their online consumers.

Our method is totally archaic.

First, we hand-pick websites where the most significant conversations about our client’s brand are taking place. Then, we search and download the most relevant posts. Finally, we manually read the hundreds of pages to fathom the meaning that lurks beneath the words.

Derrida spent his life trying to understand the emotional and intellectual terrain of the human experience. We, with calculated modesty, have jumped ahead of him by extracting the pertinent from the tangled raw expressions.

Where Derrida deconstructed, we construct narratives that make sense of consumer behavior to build online competitive strategies.

Few reach the level of depth that we do.

Scientists are mapping the billions of neurons and quadrillions of synapses in the brain. But few realize that each neuron harbors a secret to human existence.

At BrandwidthGlobal, we don’t unlock the code to musings of the human mind, we just get them to reveal their secrets.

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