
May 19, 2021

If you view your brand as anything other than a human being, you’re missing the boat.

Communication has no chance of succeeding if you’re trying to convey the attributes of an inanimate object.

Your brand has personality. It has thoughts and emotions, wit as well as determination, history as well as future. It changes as it grows and nurtures deep connections. Before you treat your consumer as a human being you have to treat your brand as a human being.

Companies have analyzed brands since time immortal. But a successful analysis is not enough to remove the obstacle to building a successful brand, until you can instill personhood into your brand. Only then, you can evolve from brand understanding to brand comprehension.

At BrandwidthGlobal, we’ve taken it upon ourselves over the past 10 years to develop an online methodology which uncovers the important insights and strategies.

Thinking new about brands in a 200-year-old industry isn’t easy. But we may have found a way of doing it.